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Tweedsmuir Survey Slides Leica VII-XII

File consists of twenty-eight (28) 35mm b&w slides taken at archaeological sites and points of interest along Ootsa Lake, Euchu Lake, and Natalkuz Lake. Some slides are annotated to describe what they depict, which includes archaeological site...

Tweedsmuir Colour Slides

This file consists of 22 colour slides taken during the Tweedsmuir 1952 field season. Slides are labelled in black ink to indicate what is depicted, and the year. Slides are split into two slide sheets, slide sheet labelled slide sheet 1, does not...

F - X sites, FiSg-x, FkSm-x, FlSf-x, artifact records

File contains archaeological survey artifact records from 3 "x" sites: FiSg-x, FkSm-x and FlSf-x. The location of each find, the recorded belonging is provided. FiSg-x and FlSf-x provide no date but was most likely recorded in 1951 or 19...