Affichage de 8 résultats

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Field Photo Record 1952

This file contains Charles Borden’s field photo records recorded from July 17 to September 10 1952’s Tweedsmuir Project. Photo records describe excavations, crew shots, general views, profiles, house pits and cache pits. Locations mentioned: Tetac...

Tweedsmuir survey, artifact records, various sites

File contains archaeological survey artifact records created for the 1951 Tweedsmuir Project survey. Artifact records display the find number, belonging description, location of recovery, and date. Catalogues for the following sites are included i...

Artifact Catalogue Notes - FiSi-2, FiSi-7, and FiSi-8

File contains 3 notes which describes the condition of some artifacts and missing artifacts from the number sequences from FiSi-2, FiSi-7 and FiSi-8. One note also includes a "to-do list." The 3rd note is an Artifact Location Form, indic...