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Archivische Beschreibung
Laboratory of Archaeology Archives Nur Beschreibungen auf der obersten Ebene

Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds

  • 09.1
  • Bestand
  • 1951-1969, 1972-1975

This fonds consists of records generated during archaeological activity at the DhRt-4 site over a course of three years. The records have been divided into three series based on their function: Field notes, Artifact Catalogue, and Photographs. T...

Charles E. Borden

Lower Fraser Survey Kidd 1963 Fonds

  • 24
  • Bestand

This fonds contains correspondence, a daily journal, survey forms, artifact logs, maps, notes, photograph logs and related material from Robert S. Kidd's survey, conducted in the summer of 1963, of the Lower Fraser. The survey was jointly fun...

Robert Kidd