Iskut First Nation


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Termes hiérarchiques

Iskut First Nation

Terme générique First Nations

2 résultats pour Iskut First Nation

2 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Iskut 3 Photographic Material

This file contains 25 print photographs, 7 negative strips, and the envelope it came in. The corresponding photo record can be found in file one of this series. This file includes photos of site HeTq1 (trapper’s cabin), Bill Creek, Iskut River Can...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Photographic Material

This series contains 5 packages of photographs and one photo record from the Iskut Mine Access Road Project. Packages 1-5 are sorted into corresponding folders ranging from film rolls – Iskut 1-5 and arranged into files 1-5. The numbering system w...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.