- Bestand08.1 - Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
- Serie02 - Reading Room Series
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- EinzelstückI106 - Preliminary Report of Excavations at the Glenrose Cannery Site, (DgRr6) October 15 to October 24 1971
- EinzelstückI107 - Archeaeological [i.e. Archaeological] Investigations at Tselax' Village, Muqueam Indian Reserve, Vancouver, B.C.
- EinzelstückI108 - The Implementation of an Integrated Pest Management Project for the Faunal Collection Held in the Museum of Anthropology's Archaeology Teaching Laboratory
- EinzelstückI109 - When is a box a container? A discussion of appropriate field methods for packaging artifacts from Archaeological projects
- EinzelstückI110 - Lab Report: DiRj 1, Katz Site
- EinzelstückI111 - A Typology of the Bone and Pecked-and-Ground Stone Industries of DhRt 5 (Point Grey)
- EinzelstückI112 - Textiles of Mountain-goat Wool from Tselax Village
- EinzelstückI113 - The Relationships Between Early Man and Environments in Northwest North America During the Pleistocene Glaciations
- EinzelstückI114 - Salish Weaving
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