Bereich 'Titel und Anmerkung zur Verantwortlichkeit'
Photographs and Photographic Record
Allgemeine Werkstoffbezeichnung
- Grafik(en)
- Text
Paralleler Titel
Andere Titelinformation
Titelangaben zur Verantwortlichkeit
Anmerkungen zum Titel
- Quelle des genauen Titels: Title is based on the contents of the file.
Bereich "Edition"
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Angaben zum Maßstab (kartografisch)
Angaben zur Projektion (kartografisch)
Angaben zu Koordinaten (kartografisch)
Angaben zum Maßstab (architektonisch)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Bereich "Entstehungszeitraum"
2005 (Anlage)
- Creator
- Sources Archaeological and Heritage Research Inc.
Bereich 'Physische Beschreibung'
Physische Beschreibung
< 0.1 cm of textual records.
219MB of photographs JPG, col. (96 Images).
219MB of photographs JPG, col. (96 Images).
Publisher's series area
Haupttitel der Verlagsreihe
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series
Numbering within publisher's series
Note on publisher's series
Bereich "Archivische Beschreibung"
Name des Bestandsbildners
(1997 - present.)
Sources Archaeological and Heritage Research Inc. is a Vancouver-based cultural resource management and heritage research company established in 1997. Commonly referred to simply as Sources, the company was founded by professional archaeologists Hartley Odwak and Robbin Chatan. Sources offers archaeology-related consulting services including archaeological impact assessments, preliminary field reconnaissance, mapping, traditional use studies, and more.
Eingrenzung und Inhalt
This file consists of a CD containing photographs taken with an accompanying record of photos taken. Photographs were of the site during the project, including crew photos, photos of archaeology and construction crew working, excavations, wall profiles, excavated areas and general site photos.
Bereich "Anmerkungen"
Physischer Zustand
Abgebende Stelle
Ordnung und Klassifikation
In der Verzeichnungseinheit enthaltene Sprache
Schrift in den Unterlagen
Aufbewahrungsort der Originale
Verfügbarkeit anderer Formate
Photographs in this file are digitally-based. Formats include: JPG.
Some materials may be restricted due to private and/or personal information and addresses are withheld. Permission from appropriate First Nation(s) may be required prior to access.
Bestimmungen, die die Benutzung, Reproduktion und Veröffentlichung regeln.
Under Copyright. Permission must be obtained from rights holder prior to reproduction or publication