DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



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DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

  • Usado para DhRt-5
  • Usado para PGA

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DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

23 Resulados para DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

23 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Leica 46-I

This file contains images of the profiles of trench walls at DhRt-5, as well as the coast line on Denman Island, and totem poles in Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.

Leica 45-I

This file contains two rolls of film. It is noted within the file that two sites are shown: DhRt-5 (PGA) and DhRt-15 (PGN). The negatives have been sleeved out of order and the contact sheet has been cut up and assembled out of order from that w...

Notes and report

This file contains a report titled "Preliminary Report on the Archeology of Point Grey, British Columbia" written by Charles Borden. In addition are the daily logs of work done in 1965.

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