DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



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DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

  • UP DhRt-5
  • UP PGA

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DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

23 Resultado para DhRt5 Point Grey Archaeoloigcal Site, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

23 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos

The Point Grey Archaeological Site DhRt 5

This paper was written as part of the coursework for Archaeology 420, instructed by Dr. Charles Borden at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Borden has made annotations on this paper. Paper includes hand drawn profiles, black and white imag...

Marvin L. Haave

The Point Grey Site

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for an anthropology class at the University of British Columbia. This paper examines the work done in 1946-1947 .

Chris Rose

Report on DhRt 5

This item is a paper written as part of coursework for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. Charles Borden at the University of British Columbia. This paper describes the site and excavation and includes artifact lists and photographs.

Gregory Milne

Complete Point Grey Site Survey, DhRt5

This item is a term paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. Charles Borden. This paper talks about the site, the uses of the artifacts found at the site, and measurements and analysis of the artifacts.

Maureen Irving

Excavation at the Point Grey Site (DhRt5) in 1988

This item is a term paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 306, instructed by Dr. Gary Coupland at the University of British Columbia. This paper discusses the work done by the UBC archaeology field school during the summer of 1...

Nicola Hunt

Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-5 project fonds

  • 11.1
  • Fundo
  • 1946-1948, 1966

This fonds contains records created during archaeological activity at the Point Grey site. This work does not have temporal continuity. Charles Borden worked at the site early in his career collecting artifacts from the surface and then years la...

Charles E. Borden

[Slides from DhRt-5 and other sites]

This file contains one roll of film that was shot at two different archaeological sites. The photograph log in this file contradicts the site names written on the slides. Possible sites shown in this file are: DhRt-5, DgRs-30, DgRs-1, and PGS.

Field notes

This series has three files which contain field notes, a report, and photographs which were created from archaeological work done at the Point Grey site.

Charles E. Borden

Artifact catalogue

This series contains one file holding the artifact catalogue created from field logs of artifacts collected during 1948-1966. The records in this series were annotated by Gary Coupland during his project later beginning in 1986. Field notes from...

Charles E. Borden

Leica 66-I

This file contains one roll of film and the associated contact sheet and photograph log. Images show crew working at site performing activities such as screening, drawing maps, loading the truck, and excavation. In addition the contact sheet for...

Leica-65 Roll 1

This file contains one roll of film. A contact sheet and photograph log have been created associated to the roll of film. Images show in addition to Point Grey, the Drynock Slide site, and an anthropomorphic dagger found on Vancouver Island.

Leica 47-I

This file contains one roll of film and a contact sheet. The contact sheet has been cut and rearranged from the order that the negatives were shot. Images were taken at both Point Grey and Marpole sites.

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