- Bestand08.1 - Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
- Serie02 - Reading Room Series
- 181 more...
- EinzelstückI181 - The Preliminary Report of a Disturbed Burial Site (DjPv1) Near Fort Steele, British Columbia
- EinzelstückI182 - The Distribution of Myth Elements in Southern Athapaskan Mythology
- EinzelstückI183 - Rock Art of British Columbia
- EinzelstückI184 - A Reconstruction of Settlement Patterns from Eighteen Sites in the Cariboo
- EinzelstückI185 - Population Movements into the New World
- EinzelstückI186 - A Preliminary Report of the Distribution Analysis of the Cariboo Sites - From Site Report Forms in Sneed, 1970, ER and FR, S.44
- EinzelstückI187 - EkRo Projectile Point Analysis
- EinzelstückI188 - Archeological [i.e. archaeological] Investigations at Tselax Village, Musqueam Reserve, Vancouver, B.C.
- EinzelstückI189 - DgRr-1 Flotation Analysis
- 35 more...