- Fundo08.1 - Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
- Série02 - Reading Room Series
- 216 more...
- ItemI217 - Some linguistic insights into recent Tsimshian prehistory
- ItemI218 - Errors in radiocarbon dating
- ItemI222 - Crescent Beach monitoring programme: final report
- ItemI223 - The subsistence economy of the Locarno Beach culture (3300 - 2400 B. P.)
- ItemI224 - Replication, application, and analysis of hafted microliths
- ItemI225 - Archaeological monitoring of the False Creek dedicated fire protection system horizontal directional drilling program entr and exit pits, Vancouver, B. C.
- ItemI226 - Archaeological inventory within MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.'s TFL 39 (Still Water Division) Goat Narrows, Powell Lake, B. C. Sunshine Coast Forest District
- ItemI227 - Cultural and non-cultural variation in the artifact and faunal samples from the St. Mungo Cannery Site, B. C. DgRr 2
- ItemI229 - The Stselax midden screenings, 2002