- BestandLoAA1-1 - Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds(Entwurf)
- SerieS4 - Maps
- Akt01 - DjRi-5-Esilao Village
- Akt02 - Esilao Village (Site DjRi 5) Yale Indian Reserve NO. 21
- Akt03 - Maps by M. Irvine of DjRi 3 Milliken and DjRi 5 Esilao Locality
- Akt04 - Milliken-Esilao Locality at 6000 B.C.
- Akt05 - Sketch Map of Esilao-Milliken Locality
- Akt06 - Esilao Village - House Pit 1
- EinzelstückI01 - DjRi-5: Profile of Inner Lip of Pithouse #1 at S25' looking north
- EinzelstückI02 - DjRi-5: Contours of Area Adjacent to Pit House #1, from 0-S45', 0-E40'
- EinzelstückI03 - DjRi-5: Profile of W10 Face from S25' to 60'
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