Stanley Park



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Stanley Park

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Stanley Park

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Stanley Park

3 résultats pour Stanley Park

3 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Lions Gate Crossing Project fonds

  • LoAA37
  • Fonds
  • 1963 - 2000, predominant 1994-1995

The Lions Gate Crossing Project fonds contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity that took place in the Stanley Park area during the 1994 survey and excavations that were conducted on the behalf of the BC Ministry of Highwa...

Sheila J. Minni

DhRs-305 Negatives and Photo Log

This file consists of 22 black and white 35 mm acetate negatives displaying culturally modified trees and other features associate with the DhRs-305 site. Two copies of the photographic record are included.

Sheila J. Minni

Surface Observation Records

This file contains surface observation records related to culturally modified trees, horticultural activity, features, artifacts, as well as important location points.

Sheila J. Minni