This fond consists of material relating to excavations from ARCAS’ archaeological monitoring and emergency impact management project carried out at [address withheld] located in DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) Site. Material included in this fon...
This fonds consists of materials related to an Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA) conducted by ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd. in 1995, at [address withheld], South Delta, BC. Included in these materials are artifact catalogues for findin...
This file consists of correspondence between Eileen Sutherland of the ASBC and Bjorn O. Simonsen (a provincial archaeologist) and Don Abbott, an employee of the BC Provincial Museum. Their discussion centres on confusion around the site numbers fo...
This file contains a single final report that dually covers archaeological work done by ASBC at both DgRs-11 (English Bluff site) and DgRs-9 (Tsawwassen Beach) during the years of 1969 and 1970. Because of the extremely close distance between the ...
This series contains a single file holding the final report for the 1969 excavations at Sƛ̓aləp, DgRs-11 (also known as the English Bluff site) as well as the final report for the 1970 excavations that happened shortly after at the nearby Tsawwass...