- Archief17.1 - DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
- Reeks03 - Photographs
- Bestanddeel31 - DjRi-3 Milliken colour slides
- 356 more...
- Stuk358 - View to N of Fraser Canyon from 800 feet above Siwash Creek, south of DjRi 3/5
- Stuk359 - DjRi 3 Burial # 7
- Stuk360 - View, to SW, across upper horizon.
- Stuk361 - View, to south, of work in progress
- Stuk362 - J. Sendey exposing artifact in lower horizons
- Stuk363 - J. Sendey and artifact in situ
- Stuk364 - Railway cut site. fosalized [fossilized] midden
- Stuk365 - Railway cut site. D. Rice indicating artifact in fossalized [fossilized] midden
- Stuk366 - Railway cut site. Close-up of artifact in fossalized [fossilized] midden
- 36 more...