- Fonds17.1 - DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
- Série organique03 - Photographs
- Dossier31 - DjRi-3 Milliken colour slides
- 260 more...
- Pièce261 - View, to SE, of excavation
- Pièce262 - View, to SE, of excavation
- Pièce263 - View, to SE, of excavation
- Pièce264 - Close up of
- Pièce265 - View, to NE, of work in progress
- Pièce266 - View, from above, of excav. into G horizon
- Pièce267 - View, to east, from above, of excavation into G horizon
- Pièce268 - Discovery of a "G" point. D. Sanger, R. Cox
- Pièce269 - Discovery of a "G" point. D. Sanger, R. Cox
- 132 more...