- 05.1-4-01-I26
- Item
- 1955
Profile shows detailed stratigraphy of the site.
Profile shows detailed stratigraphy of the site.
Marpole 1955 Floor plans and profile
2 floor plans; 'Floor plan showing contrasting deposit in pit,' 'Floor plan showing rock features,' and 1 profile; 'Profile of East face at W90.'' Includes a detailed legend.
Floor plan of S135-140'-W90-95' showing yellow ash
This item is a floor plan showing the locations of yellow ash and house floor deposit.
Floor plan showing yellow ash layer and sand pit
This item is a floor plan showing the locations of yellow ash and dark sandy house floor deposit. 2 stake molds and a pocket of clean beach sand are also noted.
This item shows two floor plans; 'South 129'-132' West 70'75,'' and South 123'126' West 70'-72'6".
Floor plan showing continuation of trough at S137'6"-140' at sections S142'6"-145'-W77'6"-82'11"
This item is a floor plan noting a drop in the subsoil
Showing Sand pit in Section S142'6"-145' W77'6"-82'6"
This item is a floor plan noting a sandy house deposit and fire cracked rock.
Profile and floor plan on one page
This item includes a profile of the "North face of last pit -S147'6"-150' W72'6"-83'" and a "Floor plan of section S137'6"-140' W77'6"-83'showing trough running through the...
This item is a floor plan noting a posthole.
Floor plan of section S150'-155'-W65'-72'6"
Floor plan notes dark loose fill within a depression.
This item is a profile drawing of Trench 2.
Charles E. Borden
Marpole W10-150/S100-200 and E0-40/N50-200 together on one sheet
Maps show locations of soil changes and post holes, maps are from W10 - 150 and S100 - 200 and E0 - 40 and N50 - 200, respectively. A note on the back of the map suggests that it corresponds to the schematic map of the excavation unit.
Profile of gravel feature at S135'-145' W137'6"
Profile is a detailed stratigraphy of a gravel feature at the site.
This series is contains profile drawings, topographic maps, city plans, and floor plans. These maps were drawn and annotated by various members of Charles Borden's crew for the purposes of documentation while excavating.
Image shows a view of the Marpole site.
Image shows people working at the Marpole site.
Image shows several individuals working at the Marpole site.
Image shows someone burning trash near the hotel.
Image shows someone burning garbage near the hotel.
Image, from Marpole site, shows someone working at the screen.