The Ellis Pryce-Jones fonds contains all of the records related to amateur archaeologist Ellis Pryce-Jones work that are in the custody of the UBC Lab of Archaeology. This includes Pryce-Jones’ personal artifact records, drawings, notes, clippings...
This fonds consists of textual records which includes notes and publications from Brian Hayden. Works included are associated with Dr. Hayden’s lithics research in Australia, and the Mayan Highlands in Mexico and Guatemala. The fonds has been arra...
The Jack Sewell fonds contains the creator's unpublished manuscripts, field notes, and writings on North American stone tool typologies, the peopling of North America, flint knapping techniques, the archaeology of Central British Columbia, an...
The Chunlac [Chinlac] Village Project fond contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity that took place at Chunlac including the archaeological survey and excavation project conducted under the name “Chinlac” by Dr. Charles E...
The Lions Gate Crossing Project fonds contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity that took place in the Stanley Park area during the 1994 survey and excavations that were conducted on the behalf of the BC Ministry of Highwa...
This fonds consists of textual and photographic records related to the Iskut Mine Access Road Project conducted by ARCAS starting in 1990 under HCA permit 1990-0102, which include archaeological sites HeTq-1 and HcTp-1. Textual records include cor...
In 2002, 2003, and 2004 the Corporation of Delta carried out Capital Works projects, and emergency maintenance projects conducted by Engineering Operations in the Tsawwassen area of South Delta. Leonard Ham, Archaeologists & Heritage Consultan...