Affichage de 4 résultats

Description archivistique
Robert "Bob" Steiner
Aperçu avant impression

1 résultats avec documents numérisés Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Tweedsmuir Project fonds

  • LoAA22
  • Fonds
  • 1951-1980; predominant 1951-1952

The Tweedsmuir fonds contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity in response to the archaeological survey and excavation project conducted under the name "Tweedsmuir Project" conducted by Charles E. Borden and othe...

Charles E. Borden

Tweedsmuir Park Survey, Bob Steiner Photos

File contains 26 print photographs depicting the archaeological crew’s camp site, waterfalls, general landscape shots taken from the water, general landscape shots taken from higher elevation on the land, an inhabited log cabin residence, the arch...

Robert "Bob" Steiner