Ootsa Lake



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Ootsa Lake

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Ootsa Lake

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Ootsa Lake

12 Results for Ootsa Lake

Only results directly related

Archaeology 1953

File contains several draft writings produced by Sewell in 1953. Writings discuss the 1950 excavations at Chunlac [Chinlac] Village, the 1952 Surveys of the Nechako Reservoir and Tweedsmuir Park, and Sewell’s 1953 investigation of a burial at Fras...

Skin Tye at Ootsa Lake - Note

File contains one note which reads "Skin Tye at Ootsa from Haugley Gate near Hazelton w. wife & 9 children…" nothing else has been found with the note - note was intermixed with materials from the Chunlac (Chinlac) Village excavation.

F - X sites, FiSg-x, FkSm-x, FlSf-x, artifact records

File contains archaeological survey artifact records from 3 "x" sites: FiSg-x, FkSm-x and FlSf-x. The location of each find, the recorded belonging is provided. FiSg-x and FlSf-x provide no date but was most likely recorded in 1951 or 19...

FkSl-3 (Cadle Site), artifact records 1-62

File contains archaeological survey artifact records from FkSl-3 (Cadle Site). One page is provided per belonging, with 30 pages total for finds 1 to 62. The location of each find, the recorded, associated features, and date of recording are provi...

Tweedsmuir Colour Slides

This file consists of 22 colour slides taken during the Tweedsmuir 1952 field season. Slides are labelled in black ink to indicate what is depicted, and the year. Slides are split into two slide sheets, slide sheet labelled slide sheet 1, does not...

Tweedsmuir Survey, 1951 Leica-51 IX

File contains two b&w photographs taken at archaeological site FkSo-3 (Ootsa). The first image, frame 1 depicts one of the archeological crew (Jack Sewell?) standing next to a pine tree with bark removed. The second image, frame 2 is a closer ...

FkSl-13, BC Sites Photo File

File contains two b&w photographs related to archaeological site FkSl-13. The first photograph depicts Alan Bryan sitting in a cultural depression at FkSl-13. The second photograph is taken from FkSl-13 and looks across Ootsa Lake towards and ...

Tweedsmuir Survey Slides Leica VII-XII

File consists of twenty-eight (28) 35mm b&w slides taken at archaeological sites and points of interest along Ootsa Lake, Euchu Lake, and Natalkuz Lake. Some slides are annotated to describe what they depict, which includes archaeological site...

Tweedsmuir Project fonds

  • LoAA22
  • Archief
  • 1951-1980; predominant 1951-1952

The Tweedsmuir fonds contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity in response to the archaeological survey and excavation project conducted under the name "Tweedsmuir Project" conducted by Charles E. Borden and othe...

Charles E. Borden