sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"


Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • The bluff area is an ancestor origin site and former village site known to Tsawwassen First Nation as S'tlalep.

Note(s) d'affichage

  • scəw̓aθən məsteyəxʷ (Tsawwassen First Nation) - Former Village Site.

Termes hiérarchiques

sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

Terme générique Place Names

Termes équivalents

sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

  • Employer pour English Bluff

Termes associés

sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

1 résultats pour sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

Seulement les résultats directement liés.

sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff) Site – DgRs-11 Project fonds: 1969 [ASBC]

  • LoAA15-1
  • Fonds
  • 1969 - 1976, predominant 1969.

This fonds consists of material from the archaeological survey and excavation carried out by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia at DgRs-11 in Delta, under HCA permit 1969-0019. Textual records include reports, field notes, corresponden...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia