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15 Ergebnisse für FiSi-19

15 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

Outside House Pit Drawing - FiSi-19?

File contains one drawing of the outside of a house pit on lined paper with two small notes attached. The drawing notes: depths, inside and out, below surface and also includes directional coordinates. The first note describes the drawing as being...

FiSi-19, artifact records 1-25 and 101-475

File contains artifact records and archaeological survey field catalogues for FiSi-19: 1-25 and 191-475. There are some gaps in the number sequence. Artifact records provide the site name, find number, belonging description, three-dimensional prov...

Field Photo Record 1952

This file contains Charles Borden’s field photo records recorded from July 17 to September 10 1952’s Tweedsmuir Project. Photo records describe excavations, crew shots, general views, profiles, house pits and cache pits. Locations mentioned: Tetac...

Tweedsmuir Colour Slides

This file consists of 22 colour slides taken during the Tweedsmuir 1952 field season. Slides are labelled in black ink to indicate what is depicted, and the year. Slides are split into two slide sheets, slide sheet labelled slide sheet 1, does not...

Tweedsmuir Fisi-19 to FkSl-3, BC Sites Photo File

File contains four b&w photographs with glued paper labels. Images depict Charles Borden, the archaeological crew with a moose that they hunted (including Jack Sewell, Charles Borden, and Alan Bryan), and the archaeological crew travelling by ...