The Chunlac [Chinlac] Village Project fond contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity that took place at Chunlac including the archaeological survey and excavation project conducted under the name “Chinlac” by Dr. Charles E...
File contains several draft writings produced by Sewell in 1953. Writings discuss the 1950 excavations at Chunlac [Chinlac] Village, the 1952 Surveys of the Nechako Reservoir and Tweedsmuir Park, and Sewell’s 1953 investigation of a burial at Fras...
The Jack Sewell fonds contains the creator's unpublished manuscripts, field notes, and writings on North American stone tool typologies, the peopling of North America, flint knapping techniques, the archaeology of Central British Columbia, an...
File contains a copy of "An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Tweedsmuir Park, BC." The report was written to reveal the objectives of the reconnaissance - to search for archaeological remains and to determine whether intensive emergency ...
File contains a copy of Charles E. Borden's "Report of Investigation of Tweedsmuir Park." This report is based on an investigation and initial survey of Tweedsmuir Park and reports conducted by Charles E. Borden et. al on the potent...
File contains a copy of Charles E. Borden's "Preliminary Survey of Nechako Reservoir in West Central British Columbia." This report is based on the archaeological survey conducted by Charles E. Borden, A. L. Bryan, and R. S. Steiner...
File contains a draft copy of Wilson Duff's "Preliminary Report on Survey of Southern Carrier Area." This report is based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted by Wilson Duff prior to the Tweedsmuir project, in which the Cheslatta Car...
File contains one drawing of the outside of a house pit on lined paper with two small notes attached. The drawing notes: depths, inside and out, below surface and also includes directional coordinates. The first note describes the drawing as being...
File contains excavation field notes for archaeological site FiSi-8, recorded from August 4-16, 1952. Field notes describe stratigraphy, features encountered during excavations, artifacts types recovered, and general comments and interpretations o...
File contains excavation field notes for archaeological site FiSi-7, recorded from July 30 -August 2, 1952. Field notes describe stratigraphy, features encountered during excavations, artifacts types recovered, and general comments and interpretat...
File contains excavation field notes for archaeological site FiSi-5, recorded from July 23 -August 6, 1952. Field notes describe stratigraphy, features encountered during excavations, artifacts types recovered, and general comments and interpretat...