sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"



Scope note(s)

  • The bluff area is an ancestor origin site and former village site known to Tsawwassen First Nation as S'tlalep.

Display note(s)

  • scəw̓aθən məsteyəxʷ (Tsawwassen First Nation) - Former Village Site.

Hierarchical terms

sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

Equivalent terms

sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

  • UF English Bluff

Associated terms

sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

5 Results for sƛ̓aləp "I want from now and everlasting"

5 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Delta-Tsawwassen Archaeological (Capital Works) Project fonds: 2002-2005 [Ham]

  • LoAA47
  • Fonds
  • 2002-2005, predominant 2002-2004

In 2002, 2003, and 2004 the Corporation of Delta carried out Capital Works projects, and emergency maintenance projects conducted by Engineering Operations in the Tsawwassen area of South Delta. Leonard Ham, Archaeologists & Heritage Consultan...

Leonard Ham

ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) Site - DgRs-9 Project fonds: 1995-0126 [ARCAS]

  • LoAA14-4
  • Fonds
  • 1994, 1995, predominant 1995

This fonds consists of material relating to excavations from ARCAS’ Project #95085, an archaeological impact assessment carried out at [address withheld] which falls within the site boundaries of DgRs-9 - ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach). Textual record...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) Site - DgRs-9 Project fonds: 1970 [ASBC]

  • LoAA14-1
  • Fonds
  • 1969 - 2004, predominant 1970

This fonds consists of materials relating to excavations by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia (ASBC) carried out at two sites: DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) and DgRs-11 Sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff, Tsawwassen). The majority of materials...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff, Tsawwassen) Site - DgRs-11 Project fonds: 1995 [ARCAS]

  • LoAA15-2
  • Fonds
  • 1995

The fonds consists of textual records and related materials pertaining to an archaeological impact assessment (AIA) carried out by ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd. at [address withheld], Delta BC, under HCA permit 1995-0155, which falls within...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff) Site – DgRs-11 Project fonds: 1969 [ASBC]

  • LoAA15-1
  • Fonds
  • 1969 - 1976, predominant 1969.

This fonds consists of material from the archaeological survey and excavation carried out by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia at DgRs-11 in Delta, under HCA permit 1969-0019. Textual records include reports, field notes, corresponden...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia