Affichage de 2436 résultats

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This series contains Three reports produced by ARCAS for the Iskut Mine Access Road Project. The first report is the master copy of the Heritage Site Overview Assessment, which is the final report produced by ARCAS for this project. The other repo...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Iskut Road Project - Archaeological Study

This file contains a preliminary overview of the Iskut Mine Access Road Project archaeological assessment. This report summarizes how they will conduct the assessment, the study area, and which ARCAS staff will take on the project

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Iskut Road Project - Interim Final Report

This file contains a copy of the Iskut Road Project, Interim final report. The report details the heritage resource overview and field reconnaissance for the Iskut Road Project which was carried out under HCA Permit 1990-102. The interim final rep...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Artifact Catalogues

This file consists of artifact catalogues detailing Jōmon period pottery sherds in the Professor Serizawa Collection. Within are two copies of the same catalogue: one is the original written in Japanese, and the other is a photocopy with English t...

Chosuke Serizawa

Graphical Materials

This series contains photographs of pottery sherds from part of the Professor Serizawa Collection, accompanying label cards for each set of sherds, and diagrams relevant to the sherds.This series is arranged into three files, located in Box 1.

Chosuke Serizawa


This file consists of photographs documenting pottery sherds J1-J:35 in the collection, which for the most part exist in duplicate for each sherd. One set had its photographs pasted into a stapled booklet, with artifact numbers written on the page...

Chosuke Serizawa


This file contains a loose-leaf sheet with a stratigraphy diagram printed on one side, and two brief artifact sketches of pottery from the Professor Serizawa Collection (JA1:36 and JA1:37) on the other. On the stratigraphy diagram, there is no arc...

Chosuke Serizawa


This series contains written correspondence materials pertaining to the transfer of the Professor Serizawa Collection from Tohoku University to the University of British Columbia.This series is arranged into one file, located in Box 1.

Chosuke Serizawa


This file consists of correspondence between professors at Tohoku University and the University of British Columbia, arranging for and exchanging information about transferring the Professor Serizawa Collection out of Japan to UBC. Included is a 1...

Chosuke Serizawa

Display Materials

This series contains information boards which formerly accompanied displays of pottery from the Professor Serizawa Collection, and digital files of materials currently displaying context for the collection in the LOA Ceramics Lab.This series is ar...


Résultats 2421 à 2436 sur 2436